How to Identify Marked Playing Cards With Glasses

One of the most deceptive ways you can cheat in poker is to use marked playing cards. It’s difficult to see and is only useful if the whole game has been rigged against one player. However, if it’s done well, you can make a pretty good living out of it.

Marked playing cards are marked on the backs of the decks to indicate their suit and value, or a code that you have to decipher in order to read the card. These markings can also help you determine which card has been dealt and the suit for a particular hand.

This type of marking can be done by adding a small amount special dye to the back of a printed card. You can use any amount of dye, from ink that you can paint to a special chemical that reacts with a specific wavelength of light.

Although it’s not as well-known as the juice and luminous methods, it can be an effective way to cheat in certain situations. This is especially true when a deck isn’t shuffled carefully. This can give you an advantage in certain games like Texas hold’em and Omaha.

These cards are also known by the names “contact lenses” or luminous ink cards. These cards’ ink is invisible to most people. However, special contact lenses or glasses that have a filter that allows you to see the markings can help you see them.

This test is the best way to identify marked cards. It involves moving quickly through the deck with your thumb, and then looking at the backs of the cards closely to see if any marks have changed. This test can be especially useful for identifying luminous marked card because the backs of these cards will look normal to most players even though they have been dyed.

A second technique for marking cards is called “shade.” This involves using a small amount aniline ink on the back of a card, to shade it slightly. The dye or ink is almost colorless, but it provides enough of a tint to gray the white areas.

In some cases, the markings are even printed onto the front of the card with a special ink that can be easily read with special lenses or glasses. These lenses will make it appear as if the ink is a thin, clear layer or paint that can be clearly visible through them.

Cheaters can place a paint daub on the back of a card and bounce an invisible light source from one side of the card. The cheater can then see through his contact lens or slightly tinted glasses the daub and paint, making it impossible to see for any other player.

This technique of card marking is a fairly old technique that has become more popular in recent years. You can use it to mark many things, but most commonly on a poker deck.
