

Infrared Marked Cards

Infrared-marked playing cards have invisible marks on their backs. The markings on the back of these cards are inaccessible to the naked eye, but they can be observed with special glasses or contact lenses. It is possible to win all…

Marked Deck Playing Cards

When it comes time to mark decks of playing cards You must ensure that the markings are easy to read and look very natural. It isn’t easy to do this with more immediate methods for marking cards, such as colored…

How Do Marked Cards Work in Poker?

Whether you’re a magician or simply want to increase your poker skills, marking cards can be helpful. Playing cards marked with marks are normal cards that have subtle symbols or marks. The markings on the cards are not obvious to…

Invisible Ink Glasses

Invisible Ink Glasses are sunglasses specifically designed to reveal invisible markings on poker cards. When used alongside a disappearing pen and poker analyzer, these glasses can help uncover any concealed markings on the card – as well as visible using…

Hidden Poker Scanner Cameras

Scanning cameras are among the most versatile poker cheating devices, able to be hidden almost anywhere – from car keys and lighters, lighters and watches, music boxes clocks surveillance cameras and murals. An elite dynamic scanner camera can read barcode…

Poker Cheating Device

Poker cheating devices have long been part of the underground market for gambling, providing accurate results even before cards have been distributed. These devices use a special deck of marked cards illuminated with infrared illumination to form a sequence of…

Infrared Contact Lenses

Infrared Contact Lenses are an exciting new innovation, which enable wearers to see in red light. Perfect for night vision and low-light situations like concerts. Water’s structure near material surfaces can have profound ramifications on interfacial phenomena such as chemical…

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